/** vim: ts=4:sw=4:nu:fdc=4:nospell * * Ext.ux.form.LovCombo Example Application CSS File * * @author Ing.Jozef Sakáloš * @copyright (c) 2008, by Ing. Jozef Sakáloš * @date 16. April 2008 * @version $Id: lovcombo.css 194 2008-04-17 00:16:12Z jozo $ * * @license Ext.ux.form.LovCombo.css is licensed under the terms of the Open Source * LGPL 3.0 license. Commercial use is permitted to the extent that the * code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially * licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission. * * License details: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html */ #west-content a { text-decoration:none; } #west-content a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } #west { width:280px; } #center { width:640px; } #adsense-top { margin: 10px 0 10px 0; } #west-content { font-family:arial, sans-serif; } #center-content { font-family:arial, sans-serif; margin:0 0 0 10px; color:#777777; } #center-content h2 { font-size:16px; text-align:center; } #description { color:#777777; text-align:justify; } #description em { font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; } #description p { margin: 2px 0 8px 0; } .adsense { opacity:.55; filter:alpha(opacity=55); -moz-opacity:.55; } #change-log { padding:20px 0 0 20px; } #change-log ul { margin: 8px 0 0 1em; list-style:disc outside; text-align:justify; } #cts { margin: 20px; zoom:1; } /* eof */